LISTSERV Maestro 12.0-3 Help Table Of Contents

HTML Support for PDF Landing Pages

Page Margins

To define the margins for a page, supply a margin page rule. It accepts one-to-four values, similar to a normal CSS margin property.

@page {
	margin: 3cm;

If you want, you can supply different margins for different pages, for example a wider margin on the respective inside of the even and odd numbered pages.

@page:left {
	margin: 3cm 5cm 3cm 3cm;
@page:right {
	margin: 3cm 3cm 3cm 5cm;

In addition to this page margin, it is of course also possible to define a margin style for the <body> tag itself. However, the top body margin applies only to the first page and the bottom body margin only to the last page, which makes things unnecessarily complicated. So, usually it is best to just use the above page margin and set the body margin to 0.

body {
	margin: 0;
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