LISTSERV Maestro 12.0-5 Help Table Of Contents

HTML Support for PDF Landing Pages

Page Size

To define the page size for the document, supply a size page rule.

You can specify either a length (not a percentage) for width and height.

@page {
	size: 8.5in 9in;

Or one of the standard sizes A3, A4, A5, B3, B4, Letter, Legal, Ledger.

@page {
	size: A4;

Where the standard sizes can optionally be followed by portrait or landscape.

@page {
	size: A4 landscape;

While it is theoretically possible to apply different sizes to different pages, Open HTML To PDF does not cope well with this, so it is strongly recommended to stick to a single size for the whole document that is specified in a general @page rule, as shown above.

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