LISTSERV Maestro 12.0-2 Help Table Of Contents

Template Gallery

To access the template gallery for a given job, click the [Select Template] button on the job's define email content page.

This screen shows you a gallery of all available content templates that you can use for your mail jobs. It allows you to define the template that the content of the mail job is based on.

When creating a new mail job, select the content template that shall be used for this job.

When selecting a new template for an existing mail job, select the content template that shall replace the current content of the mail job. If possible, you will then have the option to let the system transfer the current content to the new template.

You have the choice between the following template types:

If you want to leave the template gallery without selecting a template, simply click the [Cancel] button. The mail job content will remain unchanged in this case.

System Templates

A system template can either be a standard template or an advanced click-and-fill template.

A standard template has a predefined layout and design, with predefined editable blocks. A click-and-fill template also has a predefined layout and design, similar to a design template. But instead of the larger editable blocks, a click-and-fill template has more fine grained editable fields with predefined semantics, akin to the the blanks in a form. Most of the templates on the "System Templates" tab are standard templates, except for the ones in the "Click & Fill Templates" category.

To select a system template, simply click on it in the list of template thumbnails. The page will then display a larger preview of the selected template. At this point, for a standard template you can select if you want the template version with or without a logo (if you have a personal logo defined). For a click-and-fill template, you can select the template language, i.e. the language of the template texts that are outside of the editable template placeholders. The preview page also lists all other template properties that you will later be able to change in the content editor, after you have selected the template. For example, the template colors are usually among the changeable properties, so if you find a template that you generally like but where the colors are not exactly what you want, you can still select this template from the gallery (if the template colors are listed among the properties that can be changed later) and simply adjust the colors in the content editor.

Once you are satisfied that you indeed want to use the selected template (with the selected logo or language setting), click [OK] to use this template as the new template for your mail job. Or click Back to Template Selection to go back to the template selection overview.

While viewing the available system template thumbnails, you can filter the displayed Category choices, to make it easier to find a template that suits your needs. Select "All" if you want to view all system templates, or one of the other categories to view only the templates in that category.

Shared Templates

A shared template is a user-defined template that has been made available to all users of the same LISTSERV Maestro instance by its creator.

Just like with System Templates, a shared template can be either a standard template or an advanced click-and-fill template. All shared templates are listed in the Shared Templates tree that is shown in the left panel of the tab.

To select a shared template, select its associated template node from this template tree. The panel on the right will then display a preview of the selected template. If you are satisfied with the selected template, click [OK] to use this template as the new template for your mail job.

User-Defined Templates

Just like with System Templates, a user-defined template can be either a standard template or an advanced click-and-fill template. All user-defined templates are listed in the User-Defined Templates tree that is shown in the left panel of the tab.

To select a user-defined template, select its associated template node from this template tree. The panel on the right will then display a preview of the selected template. If you are satisfied with the selected template, click [OK] to use this template as the new template for your mail job.

No Template

The No Template tab contains the following choices:

  • HTML Content, WYSIWYG Editor

    If you select this choice, then you start a new HTML email from scratch, without any template, using Maestro's built in visual HTML editor (WYSIWYG editor).

    Select this choice and click [OK] to start off with such an empty HTML content.

  • HTML Content, Source Code Editor

    If you select this choice, then you start a new HTML email from scratch, without any template, using Maestro's built in textual source code HTML editor.

    Select this choice and click [OK] to start off with such an empty HTML content.

  • Plain Text Content, Text Editor

    If you select this choice, then you start a new plain text email from scratch, without any template, using Maestro's built in text editor.

    Select this choice and click [OK] to start off with such an empty plain text content.

  • HTML Content Created in External Editor (Uploaded)

    If you select this choice, then the HTML content will be based on a HTML page (possibly including images) that was created in an external HTML editor and that you upload into Maestro. After uploading the HTML page, the HTML content of the mail job will contain exactly the uploaded page.

    Select this choice and click [OK] to upload your own HTML page into the mail job.

Copy from Other Job

This category does not actually represent a template type of its own, but simply allows you to copy the content of an already existing mail job into the currently selected mail job. After copying the content, your mail job will then have the same content as the original job (and thus be based on the same template as the original job).

To copy the content from another job, select the source job in the job list, then click [OK]. This will discard and overwrite the current content of the job.

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