LISTSERV Maestro 11.0-21 Help Table Of Contents

Personalized Contact Data, Logo and Colors

To access the personalized data page, select Utility Personalized Contact Data, Logo and Colors from the menu.

This screen allows you to view and edit your personalized contact data, logo and colors.

The personalized data, logo and colors can be used in mail jobs, templates or on the subscriber pages, by including special placeholders. The value for each placeholder, e.g. the actual phone number, will be replaced by LISTSERV Maestro during delivery of the mail job or when the subscriber page is displayed. If a value is changed here, then this change is also reflected in all yet undelivered mail jobs and on all subscriber pages that make use of the mentioned placeholders.

  • Personalized Contact Data: The contact data identifies your organization. Click the Change link to edit the data.

  • Personalized Logo: The personalized logo image is a visual representation of your organization. If you do not have a logo defined, click the Define Logo link to define one. If you already have a logo defined, click the Delete link to delete it or the Change link to change it.

    Note: The personalized logo is automatically used on all subscriber pages that use the default page layout.

  • Personalized Unsubscribe Action Links: Personalized unsubscribe links define the possible replacements for the {{*UnsubscribeURL}} system drop-in. Click the Change link to change which links shall be available.

  • Personalized Colors: The personalized colors are a collection of often used, and re-used, colors (for example colors from your corporate identity). Click the Change link to edit the colors.

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