LISTSERV Maestro 11.0-21 Help Table Of Contents


To access the dashboard, select Dashboard from the menu.

The Dashboard shows an overview of the current state of LISTSERV Maestro, as it is visible for your account.

From any location in Maestro, you can always go back to the Dashboard with the Dashboard option in the main menu.

The Dashboard can display up to five different sections, plus special welcome sections with hints for new users. You can define the order of these sections yourself. Simply click the little up and down arrow icons at the right of each section to move a section up or down. (The special welcome sections are always shown at the top of the dashboard.)

The Dashboard can contain the following sections:

  • Currently In The System: Displays general statistics about the objects that are currently in the system (as far as these objects are visible to your account). Some of these items are also clickable links that take you directly to a screen where you can view the corresponding objects.

  • Recent Job Delivery Statistics: Displays a delivery statistics overview of the four most recently delivered jobs.

    Normally, the number of delivered recipients (with the number of bounced messages already factored in) is shown. Only if bounces are not handled automatically by Maestro (by decision of the job's owner), then instead the total number of recipients (per the job's settings) is shown.

  • Jobs Due Next: Displays a list with the open jobs that are due next for authorization. Only jobs with a defined "Authorization Due By" date are displayed here. Each job is displayed with the time until the job is due (or a notification that the job is overdue).

  • Current And Upcoming Deliveries: Displays a list of jobs that are currently being delivered and jobs that are scheduled next for delivery. Each job is displayed with the time until the job is due for delivery (or a notification that the job has failed).

  • Recent Deliveries: Displays a list with all jobs that have been delivered recently (or have been closed as failed).Each job is displayed with its delivery time.

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