LISTSERV Maestro 12.0-2 Help Table Of Contents

Create New User

This screen is used to create a new user account in your group. Define the account data and the user right settings (privileges) that are granted to the new account.

Account Data

  • Name: Specify the account name.

  • Contact Email Address: Specify the contact address for the account here.

    The contact address is used to allow the account holder to recover from a situation where he forgot his account name and/or password. In addition, the contact address is used as the recipient address for email notifications that are sent to this account.

User Right Settings

  • Create New Jobs: If granted, the user is allowed to create new jobs. If not granted, the user may still be allowed to collaborate on jobs other group members have created (depending on the collaboration settings of the individual jobs).

    In addition, if this right is granted, you must also define who will be the owner of all jobs that this user creates:

    • Created jobs are owned by this user: If selected, any jobs that the user creates are automatically owned by this user. Other users in the same group may collaborate on a job, if the collaboration settings of the individual job permit.

    • Created jobs are owned by the following user: If selected, you must also select one of the user names from the drop-down menu. The list shows all users in your group (except for the edited user). The user account that is selected from the list will become the owner of all jobs that are created by the edited user. In addition, the default team collaboration settings of this owner (as defined by that user in their preferences settings) will be applied to all such jobs after creation.

      Note:The default team collaboration settings of the selected owner must include the edited user with at least one of the collaboration rights so that they are actually able to collaborate (with whatever function) on the job that they have just created.

  • Create New Reports: If granted, the user is allowed to create new reports. If not granted, then the user may still be allowed to collaborate on reports other group members have created (depending on the collaboration settings of the individual reports).

  • Administer Sender Profiles: If granted, the user can create new sender profiles and can edit and delete existing ones. If not granted, the user is still allowed to use all sender profiles other group members have created.

  • Administer Drop-Ins: If granted, then the user can create new drop-in content elements and can edit and delete existing ones. If not granted, then the user is still allowed to use all drop-in elements other group members have created.

  • Administer Content Templates: If granted, then the user can create new content templates and can edit and delete existing ones and can enable/disable existing templates. If not granted, then the user is still allowed to use all content templates other group members have created and enabled.

  • Administer Target Groups: If granted, the user can create new recipient target groups and can edit and delete existing ones.

  • Administer Subscriber Lists and Lookup Tables: If granted, the user can create new subscriber lists, list groups and lookup tables and can edit and delete existing ones.

  • View All Jobs, Reports And Subscriber Lists: If granted, the user is allowed to:

    • View all jobs in the group, even if they are owned by other group members and no specific collaboration rights have been granted.

    • Execute all reports in the group, even if they are owned by other group members and the specific "execute" right has not been granted.

    • View and download all subscriber data for all datasets in the group, even if the specific "browse subscribers" right has not been granted.

    If not granted, then the user may still be allowed to view jobs, execute reports and browse/download subscriber data for jobs, reports and datasets that are owned by other group members (depending on the individual collaboration settings).

  • Edit Suppression List Data: If granted, the user can add, edit and remove entries in the address suppression list.

  • Data Protection Officer: The user may view privacy-related subscriber data (typically through the "Email Address Data Report" available here). Using the the same report page, the user also is allowed to delete privacy-related data related to a given subscriber email address and associated with the group.

  • Edit Group-Wide Settings: If granted, the user can edit such preferences and general settings that affect all users in the group.

Click [OK] to create the new user account, or click in the menu bar to leave the screen without saving.

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