LISTSERV Maestro 12.0-2 Help Table Of Contents

User Rights

To access the user rights administration page, select Utility User Rights from the menu.

This page is only available for a user who belongs to an account group with other team members and who also has been granted the right to administrate the accounts in the group. This screen allows you to define Maestro User Interface user rights for several users at once.

The table will display all group members together with their associated user rights, in an option matrix. Check or uncheck the options to grant/revoke the corresponding rights for the corresponding accounts.

Also, to grant/revoke all rights of a certain account, click on the account name in the left column.
To grant/revoke a certain right for all accounts, click on the right name in the top row.
To grant/revoke all rights for all accounts, click on the User link in the top left corner.

To apply the changes and leave this page, click the [Save] button. To leave this page without applying changes, click in the menu bar.

User Rights for Maestro User Interface

  • Create New Jobs: If granted, the user is allowed to create new jobs. If not granted, the user may still be allowed to collaborate on jobs other group members have created (depending on the collaboration settings of the individual jobs).

    In addition, if this right is granted to a user who is a member of a group, then the administrator must also define who will be the owner of all jobs that this user creates:

    • Created jobs are owned by this user: If selected, any jobs that the user creates are automatically owned by this user. Other users in the same group may collaborate on a job, if the collaboration settings of the individual job permit.

    • Created jobs are owned by the following user: If selected, the administrator must also select one of the user names from the drop-down box. The list shows all users in the same group as the edited user (except for the edited user). The user account that is selected from the list will become the owner of all jobs that are created by the edited user. In addition, the default team collaboration settings of this owner (as defined by that user in their preferences settings) will be applied to all such jobs after creation.

      Note: The default team collaboration settings of the selected owner must include the edited user with at least one of the collaboration rights so that they are actually able to collaborate (with whatever function) on the job that they have just created.

    Note: Changes to the owner settings only apply to jobs that are created after the changes are submitted. Any jobs created previously are unaffected; they remain in the ownership of the same users as they were before.

    Note: The selection of a different job owner is not possible for users who are not members of a group - such users always own all jobs they create.

  • Create New Reports: If granted, the user is allowed to create new reports. If not granted, then the user may still be allowed to collaborate on reports other group members have created (depending on the collaboration settings of the individual reports).

  • Administer Sender Profiles: If granted, the user can create new sender profiles and can edit and delete existing ones. If not granted, the user is still allowed to use all sender profiles other group members have created.

  • Administer Drop-Ins: If granted, then the user can create new drop-in content elements and can edit and delete existing ones. If not granted, then the user is still allowed to use all drop-in elements other group members have created.

  • Administer Content Templates: If granted, then the user can create new content templates and can edit and delete existing ones and can enable/disable existing templates. If not granted, then the user is still allowed to use all content templates other group members have created and enabled.

  • Administer Target Groups: If granted, the user can create new recipient target groups and can edit and delete existing ones.

  • Administer Subscriber Lists and Lookup Tables: If granted, the user can administer the subscriber lists and lookup tables in the subscriber warehouse that is managed by LISTSERV Maestro, by creating, editing, and deleting subscriber lists, list groups, lookup tables, and individual subscribers.

  • The user may link Subscriber Lists to the LISTSERV Web Interface: If granted, the user may create a link between any subscriber list (or group) and the LISTSERV Web Interface of the LISTSERV instance that the user is connected to. For a subscriber list that is linked in this fashion, the public subscriber website of the list will automatically provide links that allow the subscribers to directly access the list archive pages of the LISTSERV Web Interface.

    Note: This right can only be granted if the right to "Administer Subscriber Lists" (see above) is already granted.

  • Edit Suppression List Data: If granted, the user may view and edit the content of the suppression list that is associated with the user's account or group. If not granted, then the user can neither view nor edit this suppression list. Note that the suppression lists of all accounts can always be edited by the LISTSERV Maestro administrator.

  • View All Jobs, Reports And Subscriber Lists: Only available for group accounts. If granted, the user is allowed to:

    • View all jobs in the group, even if they are owned by other group members and no specific team collaboration rights have been granted.
    • Execute all reports in the group, even if they are owned by other group members and no specific team collaboration rights have been granted.
    • View all subscriber lists in the group, even if the user does not have the "Administer Subscriber Lists" right and no specific team collaboration rights have been granted.

    If not granted, then the user may still be allowed to view jobs, execute reports and browse/download subscriber data for jobs, reports and subscriber lists that are owned by other group members (depending on the individual team collaboration settings).

  • Edit Group-Wide Settings: Only available for group accounts. If granted, the user may view and edit settings and preferences that are associated with the whole user's group. If not granted, then the user can neither view nor edit these settings.

    Settings to which this right applies:

    • User Database Connections: (Under "Utility->Database Connections")
    • Personalized Contact Data, Logo and Colors: (Under "Utility->Personalized Contact Data, Logo and Colors")
    • Social Media Settings: (Under "Utility->Social Media Settings")
    • Defining a Font for PDF Documents: (Under "Preferences->User Interface")
    • Subscriber Warehouse Health Alert Thresholds: (Under "Utility->Notification Service->General Settings and Defaults")

    Note: Single user accounts can always edit these settings (as they only apply to the current account)

  • Data Protection Officer: Only available for group accounts. If granted, the user may view and delete privacy-related subscriber data related to a given subscriber email address and associated with the group.

    Note: Single user accounts always have this privilege.

  • Administer Group Accounts: Only available for group accounts. If granted, the user may create new accounts in his own group, or delete accounts from his group, or modify the rights that are listed above for the other accounts in the group.

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