LISTSERV Maestro 11.1-2 Help Table Of Contents

LISTSERV Maestro Menu Bar

The Menu Bar is located at the top of each Maestro page. It contains the following items:

  • Page Title: The title of the current page is shown in the middle of the menu bar.

  • Main Menu: The main menu, represented by the icon, is shown in the left corner of the menu bar. Click on the icon to open the main menu.

    The main menu's content differs depending on your current context, i.e. where you are in Maestro and what objects you have currently selected. Some menu items are always present (they appear in the left part of the menu, with the darker background), while other menu items are context sensitive and appear only if required (they appear in the right part of the menu, with a lighter background). The context sensitive part may also be empty, in which case the menu shows only the main menu items.

    Many pages also show the back arrow icon immediately to the right of the main menu icon. You can click it to leave the current page and go back to the (logically) previous page, without saving any changes that you may have made on the current page. Note, that this can also mean that you will lose these changes, if they have not been saved.

  • User Menu: This menu is shown in the right corner of the menu bar, with the icon. It also shows the user name you are logged in with. In this menu, you can find menu items for setting user preferences, to change your password, and to log out.

  • Help Menu: This menu is shown in the rightmost corner of the menu bar, with the icon. In this menu, you can find access to help topics.

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