LISTSERV Maestro 12.0-3 Help Table Of Contents

Define Duplicate Elimination

To avoid unnecessary and, in most cases, unwanted double messages to the same recipient, use this page to remove duplicates from your recipient data.

The available duplicate elimination options depend on your LISTSERV license (LAK):

With a standard license, duplicate elimination is always performed, and it is always performed using the "Remove duplicates with same email address" option (see below).

With an HPO license, duplicate elimination can also optionally be switched off or can be defined based on other fields than only the email address.

Duplicates can be screened for removal based on one of three criteria:
  • Do not remove duplicates

    All recipients with valid Internet email addresses will be used for sending, even if some of the recipients occur more than once in the source data.
    (Only available with HPO license.)

  • Remove duplicates with same email address

    Duplicate recipients that have the same email address will be deleted. This option can be helpful to screen out multiple names using the same email address.
    (Available with HPO license and forcibly used with standard non-HPO license.)

  • Use my list of columns to determine duplicates

    A list of column headers from the source data will become active when this option is selected. Choose any of the columns listed in the box to screen for duplicate recipients. This option can be valuable when there is a unique recipient ID column present. It will allow for different recipients who use the same email address to each receive a message. To select more than one column, hold the SHIFT or CTRL key down while clicking the desired columns.
    (Only available with HPO license.)

The removed duplicate recipients are saved separately from the unique and the invalid recipients. All saved recipients sets are available for download on the Summary screen.

If the duplicate removal results are not acceptable, open the Duplicate Elimination screen again to repeat the removal with different settings.

Note: Depending on the stored recipients attributes, it is possible to return to a larger set of unique recipients by choosing a different criterion.

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