LISTSERV Maestro 12.0-3 Help Table Of Contents

Job Statistics

This screen shows the statistics for the selected job, all combined in one screen.

Depending on the tracking settings of the job, the following sections may be shown:

Statistics Overview

This section shows a summarized overview of the tracking data of the selected job.

Zooming In On Delivery And Tracking Statistics Overview Metrics

The delivery and tracking statistics overview of a job is the first starting point for analyzing the results and effectiveness of a mail job. Clicking on any of the links in the overview opens the List Subscribers Pane for the list that this job was sent to, pre-filtered so that only those subscribers are shown who are associated with the metric you just clicked on. In other words: If you clicked on an open rate metric value, you will see the list of current subscribers who have opened the message. If you clicked on a click rate metric value, you will see the list of current subscribers who have clicked. Similarly, if you clicked on a mobile rate metric value, you will see the list of current subscribers who have opened (or clicked) the message on a mobile client.

Why are the metric values not always clickable?

You may notice that LISTSERV Maestro does not always show a metric value as a clickable link which opens the associated list of subscribers. The job must fulfill some requirements for this:

  • The job must have been sent to a list or list group in the subscriber warehouse. Without this, there is no suitable repository for Maestro to accomplish this task.
  • For opens and clicks:

    • The job must have personal tracking enabled. Maestro can only associate individual subscribers with tracking-related metrics if personal tracking is used for the job.
  • For mobile opens and clicks:

    • The job must have been sent with LISTSERV Maestro 10.0 or later.
  • For bounced and non-bounced subscribers:

    • The job must have been sent with LISTSERV Maestro 7.0-3 or later.
    • The job must have automatic bounce handling enabled.

What is the difference between clicking the "bounced" metric and the bounces report?

While the bounces report shows you the bounced addresses as they were collected post-delivery, optionally combined with bounce reasons, the click on the "bounced" metric link (if available) shows you the list of current subscribers with their full current profiles. The email addresses shown here may be different from the ones that were used at the moment of delivery, and the list, by definition, does not include subscribers that no longer exist.

Click Activity

This section shows a more detailed report of the recipients' click activity on the message of the selected job.

Zooming In On Clicks and Sharing Activity

The report contains entries for each URL in the message, clicking on a link in the list opens the List Subscribers Pane for the list that this job was sent to, pre-filtered so that only those subscribers are shown who clicked the link that is covered by the report entry you just clicked on.

If enabled for the mail job, then the report also contains an entry about all sharing clicks on the message. Clicking on the link for this entry also opens the List Subscribers Pane, in this case however pre-filtered so that only those subscribers are shown who shared the message.

Publishing Channel Overview

This section shows a report over the various channels on which the selected job was published, combining the main email channel with social media channels (if any).

Social Sharing And Viral Reach

This section shows a report over how the selected job's message was shared via social media.

Click Rate Visualization

This section shows the measured rate for each tracked link at the location of the message, thus allowing you to assess which areas of the message received the highest attention.

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