LISTSERV Maestro 12.0-6 Help Table Of Contents

Standard Template Properties

  • To access the properties page of a standard template, select the node of the desired template in the templates tree. Then select Template Properties from the menu (or go via the right-click menu of the template node in the templates tree).
  • To create a new standard template from scratch, select New Content Template Empty Template... from the menu (or go via the right-click menu of the parent template folder in the templates tree).

On this page, you can edit some overall properties of the user-defined template.

General Properties

Supply the Name of the template. This name is shown to users who want to select a template for the content definition of a mail job. Together with the (optional) template folder, the name should assist the user in selecting the correct template.

HTML Editor Mode

Choose between the following two options:

  • WYSIWYG Design: Pick this option if you want to use the LISTSERV Maestro full WYSIWYG HTML design mode editor for your template. If you choose this editor mode, please note that the WYSIWYG HTML editor in Maestro supports only a subset of all possible HTML tags, which includes the most commonly used HTML features, especially for emails.

  • Source Code Only: If you require full support of all HTML features, you must pick this option instead, which forgoes the WYSIWYG design mode. See here for details about the HTML support in Maestro's editor.

    Important Note: When using this mode, take special care when supplying the sample content of an editable block of your template. Especially for editable blocks that contain the major part of the final content (with the surrounding content merely showing header/footer-type boilerplate), you must be aware of the fact that later, when your template is used for the definition of a mail job's content, WYSIWYG Design Mode is always used. You should therefore refrain from using too complicated HTML inside of an editable block, even if you chose this mode. The editor html support help page describes the details of which elements of HTML tags and/or style attributes you should leave out inside the editable block. The code in your template that surrounds editable blocks is not affected by this special behavior because this part is not edited during mail job definition.

    Tip: A good method to gain access to a "clean" version of the HTML code for the sample content of such a critical editable block is to first use all HTML that you can think of and then create a (dummy) mail job. In this mail job, pick your template in the template gallery. With the template selected, switch once between design and code mode. This action performs the HTML code cleanup. You can then copy the contents of the <widget-contentBox> tag, go back to your template definition and paste the HTML code into your template at the appropriate location.

Default Properties

In this section you can specify defaults that shall by applied to a mail job if the template is selected for that mail job:

  • Language: Select the language (character encoding) that matches the content of the template. All text that is included in the template or that is later entered into the editable block by the user must be expressible in this character encoding, or otherwise there will be characters that cannot be properly displayed.

    When this template is selected from the template gallery to be used for a mail job, then the mail job's language setting will be changed to this default as defined by the template. This is only an initial default for the mail job after the template is selected. For a standard template, the user can still change the mail job's language setting after selecting the template, if necessary.

  • Drop-In Settings: Define the drop-in settings that match the content of the template. If the template uses drop-ins, then you should always enable drop-in content and specify the correct opening and closing tags as used in the template. If the template does not use drop-ins, then you can either leave drop-in content disabled, or you can still enable it, with suitable opening and closing tags, if you expect that the user who fills out the template with content will likely use drop-ins.

    When this template is selected from the template gallery to be used for a mail job, then the mail job's drop-in settings will be changed to this default as defined by the template. This is only an initial default for the mail job after the template is selected. For a standard template, the user can still change the mail job's drop-in settings after selecting the template, if necessary.

  • Automatic CSS Inlining: Define if automatic CSS inlining shall be applied to the mail job in which the template is later used.

    When this template is selected from the template gallery to be used for a mail job, then the mail job's css inlining setting will be changed to this setting as defined by the template. Contrary to the other default properties described above, the user will not be able to change the mail job's css inlining setting after selecting the template.

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