LISTSERV Maestro 12.0-3 Help Table Of Contents

Click-and-Fill Template Properties

  • To access the properties page of a click-and-fill template, select the node of the desired template in the templates tree. Then select Template Properties from the menu (or go via the right-click menu of the template node in the templates tree).
  • To create a new click-and-fill template from scratch, first create a new standard template by selecting New Content Template Empty Template... from the menu (or go via the right-click menu of the parent template folder in the templates tree). Then convert this standard template into a click-and-fill template as described below.
  • To convert an existing standard template into an advanced click-and-fill template, select the desired template node in the templates tree, then select Convert Into Click-and-Fill Template from the menu (or go via the right-click menu of the template node in the templates tree).

On this page, you can edit some overall properties of the user-defined template.

General Properties

In this section you define some general template properties:

  • Name: This defines the name of the template

  • Content Type: This defines if the click-and-fill template shall be a HTML template or a plain text template, and if the former, if it shall include a plain text alternative or not.

Placeholder Properties

In this section you define some basic properties for the placeholders in the click-and-fill template:

  • Opening and Closing Tag: Specify the characters (or character sequences) that are used as the opening and closing tags to markup placeholders in the HTML source code or plain text of the template.

    For example, if you specify "{{" and "}}", then a placeholder with the name "#sample" must be written as "{{#sample}}".

  • Highlight Color: Select the color that shall be used to highlight the editable placeholders in the template, when the user fills out the placeholders of the template during the mail job content definition step.

Mail Job Properties

In this section you can specify properties that shall apply to a mail job if the template is selected for that mail job:

  • Language: Select the language (character encoding) that matches the content of the template. All text that is included in the template or that is used to fill out the template placeholders must be expressible in this character encoding, or otherwise there will be characters that cannot be properly displayed.

    When this template is selected from the template gallery to be used for a mail job, then the mail job's language setting will be changed to this setting as defined by the template. For a click-and-fill template, the user will not be able to change the mail job's language setting after selecting the template.

  • Enable Drop-In Content: Define if drop-ins shall be enabled in the template or not. If the template itself uses drop-ins or if you want the user to be able to use drop-ins when filling out the content for the template placeholders, then you must enabled drop-in content. If drop-in content is enabled, then the same opening and closing tags as for the template placeholders will also be used for the drop-ins.

    When this template is selected from the template gallery to be used for a mail job, then the mail job's drop-in settings will be changed to this setting as defined by the template. For a click-and-fill template, the user will not be able to change the mail job's drop-in settings after selecting the template.

  • Automatic CSS Inlining: Only available for HTML templates. Define if automatic CSS inlining shall be applied to the mail job in which the template is later used.

    When this template is selected from the template gallery to be used for a mail job, then the mail job's css inlining setting will be changed to this setting as defined by the template. The user will not be able to change the mail job's css inlining setting after selecting the template.

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