Mail Job Properties
Edit the Title, Job ID Prefix, Test Delivery, Delivery Notification, "Authorization Due By", and Auto-Archive values of an existing mail job
Job Title: The Job Title is an informational string that is used to identify the job for the user. This title will be shown in all job lists and at the top of all pages that manage individually selected jobs.
Enter text that is meaningful and will identify the job when it appears in a listing of multiple jobs.
The Job Title does not have to be unique, but unique titles make individual jobs recognizable to the job owner and other team members who may collaborate on the job.
Job ID Prefix: The Job ID Prefix is a way to help identify or group various jobs for the user by adding a prefix to the unique job ID generated by the system.
A Job ID Prefix does not have to be unique, and it can be the same for many jobs.
Adding a Job ID Prefix is optional and the field may be left blank.
A Job ID Prefix will appear before the system generated job ID and be separated by a hyphen.
The job ID itself is generated by the system to insure each ID is unique, and it is used by the system to identify each job. The job ID is created using the pattern: YYMMDDI, where "YY" stands for the year (the last two digits), "MM" for the month, "DD" for the day, and "I" for a unique letter starting with "A". The letter distinguishes the ID from other IDs generated on the same day. For example, the first job started on the 15th of January 2004 would have a job ID of 040115A. If more than 26 jobs are started on one day, the letters will be doubled; therefore, the 27th job started on the day of the example would have a job ID of 040115AA. This part of the ID generated by the system and cannot be influenced by the user. Using this example, if you enter "DOE" as the prefix, the generated ID will appear as DOE-040115A.
Job Folder: Displays the job folder that the job is located in. To move the job into a different folder, go back to the LISTSERV Maestro Explorer and use drag & drop to move the job.
Test Delivery: Defines the behavior of the test delivery state, after the test delivery workflow step has been completed and the test delivery was accepted as "complete" (so that the workflow step is "green").
Reset test delivery state after content change: The test delivery state will be reset to "incomplete" after every change to the content, tracking definition or sender information, so that you are reminded to re-test the changed mail job.
Keep test delivery state after content change: Once the test delivery state has been accepted as complete, it will not be reset to incomplete even if you make changes to the content, tracking definition or sender information, unless you completely reset the content by selecting a new template from the template gallery or by uploading a new content. It remains your own responsibility to make sure that you re-test the changed mail job if you make substantial changes.
Delivery Notification: Select the recipients to which a delivery notification message shall be mailed after the delivery of this job. The notification email will also include the delivery status (success or failure) of the job. This field is optional. If left empty, no delivery notification will be sent. The recipients for the delivery notification can also be specified at the moment of delivery authorization.
Statistics Notification: Select the recipients to which a tracking statistics notification message shall be mailed after a certain wait time after the delivery of this job. This field is optional. If left empty, no statistics notification will be sent. The recipients for the statistics notification can also be specified at the moment of delivery authorization. The wait period can be specified globally for all your jobs via the Notification Service Defaults.
Expected Minimum Open Rate: Specify the minimum open rate (in percent of unbounced emails) that you expect to achieve with this mail job. The expected minimum rate will later be used in various reports to highlight the job as "below expectations" if the expected minimum rate is not met. Leave empty to use the displayed default (as specified in the Notification Service Defaults).
Expected Minimum Click Rate: Specify the minimum click rate (in percent of unbounced emails) that you expect to achieve with this mail job. The expected minimum rate will later be used in various reports to highlight the job as "below expectations" if the expected minimum rate is not met. Leave empty to use the displayed default (as specified in the Notification Service Defaults).
Expected Maximum Bounce Rate: Specify the maximum bounce rate (in percent of total emails sent) that you expect to not exceed with this mail job. The expected maximum rate will later be used in various reports to highlight the job as "below expectations" if the expected maximum rate is exceeded. Leave empty to use the displayed default (as specified in the Notification Service Defaults).
Authorization Due By: If you have a special date and time by which the mail job is supposed to be authorized for delivery, then you can enter this information here. The due date will then be displayed in the job list of open jobs.
Note: Except for the job title and ID prefix, the above settings can only be edited for jobs that have not yet been delivered.
Auto-Archive: Defines if and when the job is automatically moved to the archive. There are three available options:
Administrator-defined default: The job is archived automatically (or not) according to the default settings defined by the administrator (as displayed in the option).
Do not automatically archive this job: The job is not archived automatically.
Automatically move this job to the archive: The job is automatically archived a certain number of days after the delivery of the job was closed. Enter the number of days into the field that appears when this option is selected.
Note: This feature can be used to keep the list of handled jobs clean by automatically removing jobs that are "older" than a certain threshold. However, in contrast to actually deleting the old jobs, this feature moves the job into a special archive folder. The archived jobs will no longer appear in the normal LISTSERV Maestro User Interface (they will appear to have been deleted); however, they can, if necessary, be restored by the Maestro administrator.
Important: Use this feature with care so only jobs that you really are not interested in anymore (which are "old enough" to be uninteresting) are archived automatically. And, remember that only the LISTSERV Maestro administrator will be able to restore such an archived job, and when it is restored, the job will appear "frozen" in the state that it had at the moment it was archived (i.e., no further tracking events will be collected for this job).