LISTSERV Maestro 11.1-2 Help Table Of Contents

Job List (Jobs In Folder Tab)

  • To access the job list, select the desired parent folder in the job folder tree. Then in the job list pane, select the Jobs In Folder tab. If the job that you are looking for is not visible in the job list, you may have to change to the correct folder in the job folder tree or adjust the current search filter conditions.
  • To create a new mail job, select New Standard Mail Job... from the menu (or go via the right-click menu of the parent folder in the job folder tree).

The job list displays all jobs in the currently selected job folder. In the job list, you can select a job simply by clicking on it. You can also select several jobs at once by holding down SHIFT and/or CTRL (Command-key on Apple) while clicking. Depending on the selected job or jobs, various menu items may be enabled in the Edit and New menus that allow you to perform certain actions on these jobs.

With the jobs list, it is possible to:

  • View the details for any job: Select a single job in the job list to show the details of this job in the bottom pane. In this pane, you can edit or view various parts of the job.

  • Work with A/B-split jobs: If a job is a variant job of an A/B-split job, there is an additional column with an A/B link. Click on this link to select the A/B-split job that the variant job belongs to (the A/B-split job can also be reached from the Summary tab of the variant job's details that are displayed when you select the variant job).

  • Work with auto-repeat jobs: If a job is an auto-repeat job, there is additional info in the auto-repeat column.
    For a single-instance auto-repeat job, the column shows the icon if the auto-repeat processing of the job is still ongoing.
    For an auto-repeat job that is a part of an auto-repeat chain, the column shows information about this job's position among the other jobs in the chain. The position information consists of two parts, separated by "/". The first part is an internal identification of the whole chain. The actual value of the first part has no special meaning, but LISTSERV Maestro assigns the value in such a way that chains that were created more recently can be sorted as a whole group after (or before) auto-repeat chains created earlier (depending on your chosen sort order). The second part is a sequence number inside the chain. Normally, when the chain is complete, the chain starts with 0 (zero), but if this first job in the chain was deleted or archived, then the chain may start with a number greater than 0.

  • Sort the job listing: The column headers in the table are clickable. Click to sort the jobs in ascending order on the first click and descending order on the second click. Each subsequent click will reverse the order of the sort.

  • Filter the job listing: Below each column header you see a little magnifying glass icon. This symbolizes the search option for this column. Click the icon of a column to specify a search condition (filter) that shall be applied to this column. The job list will then only display those jobs that fulfill the given search condition.

    If a search condition is supplied for a given column, then the search field will now be displayed with a light yellow background and instead of the magnifying glass it shows a textual short form of the currently supplied search condition. Click this field again to change or remove the search condition.

    You can specify search conditions on several columns at once. If you do, then only those jobs that fulfill all conditions will be listed.

  • Move or copy jobs: Drag a job (or several jobs) with the mouse to drop it into a new job folder in the job folders tree. This method also allows you to copy a job by holding down the CTRL-key when dropping it into the new folder (Command-key on Apple).

In addition to the actual job rows, the job list also contains group header entries. Which headers are currently displayed depends on the content of the job list and of the currently selected grouping type. You can close a group (and thus temporarily hide all jobs in it) by clicking on the group header. Click it again to open the group again. To change the grouping, select the desired grouping type from the drop-down box at the very right of each group header row.

Job States

One of the most common grouping types is "By Job State". This will show up to three groups, with the jobs sorted into them based on their state:

  • The Open Jobs group contains only one type of job:
    • Jobs that have been created and that can be edited: Jobs in this state are being worked on, and are either not yet defined completely or are ready to be authorized for delivery but have not yet been authorized (and can therefore still be edited). If a job from this group is authorized, it is moved to the "Ongoing Jobs" group (see below).
  • The Ongoing Jobs group contains all jobs that have been authorized for delivery. There are three types of jobs in this group:

    • Jobs that are scheduled for future delivery: Delivery authorization can be revoked, which re-opens the job for editing.
    • Jobs that are currently being processed: These jobs are in the process of being sent to LISTSERV for delivery. The ongoing delivery of a job can be aborted, which puts the job into the "failed" state.
    • Jobs that have been previously processed but failed: These jobs have been unsuccessfully processed or unsuccessfully delivered. Failed jobs can be the result of a bad connection, network problems, or server problems. Failed jobs can be resubmitted for delivery, closed as "failed", or reopened to be edited again.
  • The Closed Jobs group contains all of the jobs that have already been delivered. There are two types of jobs in this group:

    • Successfully processed jobs: Delivery of these jobs has been processed successfully and you can use these jobs for reporting purposes.
    • Jobs that failed to be processed and have been closed: Delivery of these jobs failed, usually because Maestro was unable to send the job to LISTSERV. When this happens originally, the job is initially in the "Ongoing Jobs" group (see above), but has been closed and is now available for analysis.

    Important Note: A job might be processed successfully but still fail to be delivered. The processing state only describes the success or failure of the act of transferring the job to LISTSERV. If, for some reason, LISTSERV fails to actually deliver the job, no messages will be sent, but the job will be listed in the successful state inside of Maestro.

Since the grouping of the jobs list by job state is so common, there are three shortcut button in the top right corner of the job list (to the right of the tabs), for the three job states. If you click on any of these icon, then the job list will be switched into "grouped by job state" mode (if necessary) and the list will automatically be scrolled to the header of this group:

  • : Open Jobs
  • : Ongoing Jobs
  • : Closed Jobs
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