LISTSERV Maestro 12.0-3 Help Table Of Contents

Job Folder Tree and Job List

  • To access the job folder tree and the job list, select Mail Jobs from the menu.
  • To create a new mail job, select New Standard Mail Job... from the menu (or go via the right-click menu of the parent folder in the job folder tree).
  • To create a new job folder, select the desired parent folder in the job folder tree and select New Job Folder from the menu (or go via the right-click menu of the parent folder in the job folder tree).

This page gives you an overview of all your mail jobs. The page is separated into several panes. You can change the size of the panes by grabbing the separator bar between two panes with the mouse and dragging it into a new position.

The left pane displays a tree with all mail job folders which in turn contain all your mail jobs.

Job Folders

In the job folders tree, you can freely create new folders, rename folders or rearrange the tree by using drag & drop to move the folders around. If you hold down the CTRL-key when you drop a folder (Command-key on Apple) then instead of moving the folder, you copy the folder to the new parent folder. Alternatively, you can also use the cut, copy and paste commands from the menu.

When you copy a folder, you will also create copies of all jobs in this folder and of all sub-folders (and the jobs in them).

Important: If you delete a folder, then this will delete the selected job folder and all its sub-folders and also all jobs in any of these folders! This operation cannot be undone!

Job List and Message Sequence

If you have selected any of the job folder nodes in the job folder tree, then the top-right pane of the page will display the "Jobs in Folder" tab and the "Message Sequence" tab.

The Jobs In Folder Tab contains the job list with all jobs that are located in the selected folder.

The Message Sequence Tab displays the message sequence to which the currently selected job belongs.

Job Details

If a single mail job is selected in the job list, then the details of this selected job are displayed in the bottom-right pane of the page.

Depending on the state of the selected job, the pane may show the following tabs (not all tabs will be visible for all jobs or job states):

  • Preview: This tab shows a preview of the selected job's content.

  • Summary: This tab shows a summary of the selected job.

  • Sequence Info: This tab shows the message sequence relationship of the selected job.

  • Overview Report: This tab shows a delivery and tracking statistics overview of the selected job.

  • Clicks Report: This tab shows a more detailed report of the recipients' click activity on the message of the selected job.

  • Publishing Report: This tab shows a report over the various channels on which the selected job was published, combining the main email channel with social media channels (if any).

  • Sharing Report: This tab shows a report over how the selected job's message was shared via social media.

If more than one job is selected in the completed jobs list, then the Open and Click Rates Report is displayed in the bottom-right pane of the page. This allows you to easily compare the tracking performance of multiple jobs.

For more information about the job details pane for jobs in the different states, please see here:

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