LISTSERV Maestro 12.0-3 Help Table Of Contents

Completed Job Details Pane

To access the details pane for a given completed job, select the desired job in the job list. The job details are then shown in the bottom pane. If the job that you are looking for is not visible in the job list, you may have to change to the correct folder in the job folder tree or adjust the current search filter conditions.

The Job Details pane of a completed job lets you access the details of a mail job that has already been delivered or has been closed as a failed job. The content of the pane is different depending on if only a single completed job is selected, or if several completed jobs are selected at once:

Single Completed Job Selected

For a single job, in addition to showing a preview of the selected job's content on the Content tab, the pane also offers you an overview of the job details on the Summary tab. Depending on the job's tracking features, it may also contain the Overview Report, Clicks Report, Publishing Report and Sharing Report tabs. You can switch between them by clicking on the respective tab.

Content Tab

On the Content tab, the Share Link link at the top right corner allows you to share a link to the message with people on the Internet, so that they can see the "View in Browser" version of the message. You can either publish a link with the generic share URL wherever you want, be it online, offline or on any social media platform. Or, if the LISTSERV Maestro administrator has pre-configured some social media applications for sharing, you can also share a link to the message directly on one of these configured social media platforms.

If a certain social media application has been pre-configured by the administrator, then you should not publish the generic share URL on this social media platform, but should always use the specific sharing tab for the given social media applicationS. This allows Maestro to associated the viewing and sharing events for this published URL with the corresponding social media application, which in turn allows for more detailed reports.

(Note that the "Share Link" link is not available if the mail job does not support a view-in-browser version of its message content.)

Click the maximize icon in the top right to open the detailed content view page.

Summary Tab

On the Summary tab, click on the maximize icon for a specific section to see the corresponding job details. Or click the icon in the top right corner to maximize the summary to full window size.

If the current job is part of a message sequence, then the Sequence Info tab is available and shows additional details regarding the job and its predecessors and/or successors in the sequence.

Overview Report Tab

If available, the Overview Report tab shows a summarized overview of the tracking data:

  • Delivered / Total Recipients: This value shows how many emails have been sent during mail job delivery. Normally, the number of delivered recipients (with the number of bounced messages already factored in) is shown. Only if bounces are not handled automatically by Maestro (by decision of the job's owner), then instead the total number of recipients (per the job's settings) is shown.

  • Opened: This value shows how many emails have been opened by the recipients of the mail job. Normally, the open rate is shown as a percentage of recipients who opened relative to the number shown under "Delivered / Total". If the mail job only has blind tracking enabled, then this also means that percentages can not be calculated and that you only see an integer value here.

    On Mobile: Additionally, if the mail job has been sent with LISTSERV Maestro 10.0 or later, a metric regarding the opens on mobile clients is shown.

  • Clicked: This value shows how many recipients have clicked links in the message of the mail job. Normally, the click rate is shown as a percentage of recipients who clicked relative to the number shown under "Delivered / Total". If the mail job only has blind tracking enabled, then this also means that percentages can not be calculated, which means that you only see an integer value here.

    On Mobile: Additionally, if the mail job has been sent with LISTSERV Maestro 10.0 or later, a metric regarding the clicks on mobile clients is shown.

  • Unsubscribed: This value is the percentage of unbounced emails whose recipients unsubscribed from the subscriber list using the unsubscribe link provided in the email.

  • The chart below shows the time distribution of the tracking events of the job. The dark blue line shows all events, of all event types, while the light blue line shows all click events (which are also included in the dark blue line). This gives you a rough overview of how the tracking data developed after the job's delivery. The chart contains all events, including duplicate events from same recipients.

The delivery and tracking statistics overview of a job is the first starting point for analyzing the results and effectiveness of a mail job. Clicking on any of the links in the overview opens the List Subscribers Pane for the list that this job was sent to, pre-filtered so that only those subscribers are shown who are associated with the metric you just clicked on. In other words: If you clicked on an open rate metric value, you will see the list of current subscribers who have opened the message. If you clicked on a click rate metric value, you will see the list of current subscribers who have clicked. Similarly, if you clicked on a mobile rate metric value, you will see the list of current subscribers who have opened (or clicked) the message on a mobile client.

Why are the metric values not always clickable?

You may notice that LISTSERV Maestro does not always show a metric value as a clickable link which opens the associated list of subscribers. The job must fulfill some requirements for this:

  • The job must have been sent to a list or list group in the subscriber warehouse. Without this, there is no suitable repository for Maestro to accomplish this task.
  • For opens and clicks:

    • The job must have personal tracking enabled. Maestro can only associate individual subscribers with tracking-related metrics if personal tracking is used for the job.
  • For mobile opens and clicks:

    • The job must have been sent with LISTSERV Maestro 10.0 or later.
  • For bounced and non-bounced subscribers:

    • The job must have been sent with LISTSERV Maestro 7.0-3 or later.
    • The job must have automatic bounce handling enabled.

What is the difference between clicking the "bounced" metric and the bounces report?

While the bounces report shows you the bounced addresses as they were collected post-delivery, optionally combined with bounce reasons, the click on the "bounced" metric link (if available) shows you the list of current subscribers with their full current profiles. The email addresses shown here may be different from the ones that were used at the moment of delivery, and the list, by definition, does not include subscribers that no longer exist.

Clicks Report Tab

If available, the Clicks Report tab shows a detailed tracking report for clicks that were registered for the job. Depending on the job's content, there is one individual report entry for each tracked link, plus a combined report entry for all clicks on share icons.

  • The bar chart on the left shows the active recipients (as percentage or number) or the total event count, depending on your preferences setting.
    Note: Jobs with anonymous and blind tracking will always show the total event count, no matter the current preferences setting.

  • The line chart on the right shows the total of all registered events, as they accumulated over time. This also includes possible duplicate events form the same recipients.

  • Clicking on the "Open Legend" link on the bottom-right corner of the tab opens a panel with a list of details about each entry in the report.

    The report contains entries for each URL in the message, clicking on a link in the list in the legend panel opens the List Subscribers Pane for the list that this job was sent to, pre-filtered so that only those subscribers are shown who clicked the link that is covered by the report entry you just clicked on.

    If enabled for the mail job, then the report also contains an entry about all sharing clicks on the message. Clicking on the link for this entry also opens the List Subscribers Pane, in this case however pre-filtered so that only those subscribers are shown who shared the message.

Publishing Report Tab

If available, the Publishing Report tab shows the success of your message broken down by publishing channels. In addition to the Email channel, you may also have published a link to your message with one or several social media applications, by manually posting the public view URLs of the message. The publishing report compares all these various channels:

  • The Immediate Audience section shows the number of message views of your immediate recipients (i.e. your own email recipients or your own social media followers), separated by publishing channels. If applicable, it also shows the number of new subscribers that were gained among this immediate audience.

  • If the mail job supports social media sharing, then the Audience Via Sharing section shows the share count (how often the message was shared) plus the number of message views from these shared messages and, if applicable, the number of new subscribers that where gained among this share audience.

    Be aware that among this share audience, a cross over between social media is not only possible but actually likely.
    For example, one of your original recipients who receives your message via email and who then generates a message view will be counted in the "Immediate Audience: Message Views" column of the "Email" row. If this recipient then shares the message on Twitter, this share will be counted in the "Audience Via Sharing: Share Count" column, also in the "Email" row, even though the share happened on Twitter. Now a Twitter follower of this recipient sees this message. This is counted in the "Audience Via Sharing: Message Views" column, again of the "Email" row. And this Twitter follower likes the message so much that he actually subscribes himself to the subscriber list. This is counted in the "Audience Via Sharing: New Subscribers" column, again of the "Email" row. All these events are counted in the Email row (even though some of them actually happened on Twitter) because the original recipient received your message via the Email channel, so the "success" of the message that caused the additional share, view and subscribe events is counted for the Email channel.
    In comparison, if you also publish your own message on Facebook, then this adds another publishing channel row to the report, and all events (views, shares, subscribes) that are caused by this Facebook publishing are then counted for the Facebook channel, even if the events themselves happen on other social media. For example one of your own Facebook fans may use the forward-to-a-friend feature to forward the message to someone else (i.e. via media "Email") who then shares it via Twitter, where it is seen by a Follower who again shares it on Facebook and so on. The original Facebook publishing has started a viral chain of shares and message views, and maybe even subscribes, which cross over from one social media to another and maybe even back again. And all events in this chain are counted in the "Facebook" row because this is where the viral chain was started. The colored bars that are shown in the report are used to visualize this channel cross over.

Sharing Report Tab

If available, the Sharing Report tab shows a detailed breakdown of how your message was shared on various social media.

  • The pie charts and table on the left show the number of message views, share icon clicks and new subscribers, broken down by social media.

  • The "Viral Reach" bar chart on the right shows the same metrics, additionally broken down by forwarding levels. Level 0 consists of your immediate audience, i.e. your original email recipients and, if applicable, your own social media followers. Levels 1 and higher is the audience that saw your message via social media sharing or forward-to-a-friend. Each level represents those people that saw the message after it was shared by the people on the previous level.

On the various report tabs, you can click the maximize icon to go to the Job Statistics page that shows all reports for this job at once.

Several Completed Jobs Selected

If several completed jobs are selected at once, the pane shows the Open and Click Rates Report tab. This tab displays a report chart that visualizes the tracking rates of all selected jobs, so that you can easily compare their relative tracking performances. (Remember that you can select several jobs in the job list by holding CTRL or SHIFT while clicking on job entries.)

The open and click rates are shown as the percentages of the job's recipients that have viewed the job or clicked on any of the tracked links in the job (if the corresponding tracking type was enabled for the given job).

By clicking the report columns of a job in the chart, you can view the detailed viewed/ignored/bounced and clicked/not-clicked/bounced counts for this job.

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