LISTSERV Maestro 11.0-21 Help Table Of Contents

Delivery Statistics Report

To access the delivery statistics report, select Reports from the menu and select the Delivery Statistics node from the reports tree on the left.

The left pane displays the reports tree, with the system reports and user defined reports, where the Delivery Statistics node is currently selected.

The pane on the right shows this Delivery Statistics report, which has two tabs.

Display Settings

You can control which jobs are included in the report and how this data is shown by using the links on the top of the pane. The following options are available:

  • Sent to Subscriber List or Group: This option is only available if your account has access to at least one Subscriber List or List Group. By default, this link has the text "Any Recipients", which means that jobs are included regardless of whether they have been sent to a given subscriber list or not. Click this link to open a dialog that allows you to decide if the jobs shown in the report shall be restricted to those that were sent to the subscriber list or list group that you selected. Once selected, the link text changes to reflect the choice you made and the report now only includes the jobs that were sent to the list (or group) you selected.

  • Located in Selected Folder: By default, this link has the text "Any Folder", meaning that a job's folder location is ignored when querying for the jobs. Click this link to open a folder selection dialog. Once you select a folder (followed by OK), the link text changes to reflect the choice you made and report now only include the jobs that are located in the folder you selected (optionally also recursively with all subfolders).

  • Delivery Period: Click this link to open a drop-down menu of pre-configured dynamic delivery periods. Click the desired period. The link text changes to reflect your decision and the report now includes only those jobs whose delivery was initiated at a time that falls into the period you selected.

    Completed past periods: The following periods have in common that the associated time interval consists of complete calendar units (i.e. days, weeks, months, years), each preceding either "today" or the currently running (and thus incomplete) week, month or year:

    • Last Week: The full calendar week preceding the current one.
    • Last 3 Weeks: The most recent full three calendar weeks preceding the currently running week.
    • Last 30 Days: The most recent full 30 calendar days, up to and including the day before today.
    • Last Month: The full calendar month preceding the currently running month.
    • Last 3 Months: The most recent full three calendar months preceding the currently running month.
    • Last Year: The most recent full calendar year preceding the currently running year.
    • Last 3 Years: The most recent full three calendar years preceding the currently running year.

    Periods up to and including "now": Contrary to the periods above, all following periods run until "now" (i.e. the moment when the report was last executed).

    • Today: The current day, starting at midnight and running until "now".
    • This Week: The current week, starting at monday or sunday (depending on your preferences) and running until "now".
    • This Week -2: The current week and the two full preceding weeks, starting at monday or sunday (depending on your preferences) and running until "now".
    • This Month: The current month, starting at the first day of the month and running until "now".
    • This Month -2: The current month and the two full preceding months, starting at the first day of the earliest of these months and running until "now".
    • This Year: The current year, starting on January 1st. of the year and running until "now".
    • This Year -2: The current year and the two full preceding years, starting on January 1st. of the earliest year and running until "now".
    • Full History: This special period includes all jobs that have ever been delivered, regardless of the delivery time. Note: Use this period with special care if LISTSERV Maestro has registered a large number of jobs spanning long periods of time. Executing the report with this special period selected may take some time.

    Custom Period: If the periods from the Preset tab do not suit your needs, you have the option to click the Custom tab and to supply the desired start and end dates/times in the input fields or by picking from the given calendar panels.

  • Result aggregation: The criteria you define through the menus above decide which jobs are included in the report or not (or, in other words: these criteria define a result filter). Contrary to this, this option configures if and how the data of the jobs that meet the filtering criteria is aggregated to yield higher-level analytic metrics.
    • Per Job (Details): No aggregation is performed. Each job and its associated metric is listed separately, both in the line chart and the details list that follows it.
    • Per Day: Each calendar day of the configured period is shown with associated metrics.
    • Per Week: Each calendar week of the configured period is shown with associated metrics.
    • Per Month: Each calendar month of the configured period is shown with associated metrics.
    • Per Year: Each calendar year of the configured period is shown with associated metrics.
    • Per List: This option yields a list details view only and no line chart. Creates one aggregated entry per Subscriber List or List Group that was used in the recipients definition of a mail job. Subscriber Lists or Groups that have never been used for jobs that fall into the configured time period are not shown. Jobs that were not sent to a Subscriber List or Group are shown combined into one special aggregated entry named "[No Subscriber List]"
    • Per Hour of Day: Each of the 24 daily hours creates one fixed aggregate and any job from the configured time period is put into the aggregate matching the job's delivery hour (i.e. "which hour did the wall clock show?"), regardless of the specific date/time/year when delivery occurred.
    • Per Day of Week: Each of the 7 weekly days creates one fixed aggregate and each job from the configured time period is put into the aggregate matching the job's delivery weekday, regardless of the date/time/year when delivery occurred.
    • Per Hour of Week: Creates a fixed list of time slot aggregates similar to above, but one for each hour in a hypothetical calendar week (i.e. 168 slots are created). Each job from the configured time period is put into the aggregate matching the job's delivery weekday and delivery wall clock hour, regardless of the date/time/year when delivery occurred.

Delivery Statistics, Delivery Totals Tab

If this tab of the delivery statistics report is selected, you see total summaries built across the accumulated details of all jobs that are included in the report peroid.

Also on this tab, you find a second row with overall average values. These averages are calculated depending on your choice of result aggregation:

  • Per Job: For a report without result aggregation, the averages are collected across all jobs that are included in the report, i.e. they tell you which value you can expect for the given metric if you would pick an arbitrary job from the details shown at the bottom of the report.
  • Per Day / Week / Month / Year: Before calculating the averages, Maestro collects summaries across all jobs that fall into the given day, week, month or year. The final averages are then calculated across the pre-calculated sums, which means that the values tell you which total value to expect if you would pick an arbitrary calendar period (week/month/year) from the details shown at the bottom of the report.
  • Per List: Before calculating the averages, Maestro collects summaries across all jobs that have been sent to a given subscriber list. The final averages are then calculated across the pre-calculated sums, which means that the values tell you which total value to expect if you would pick an arbitrary subscriber list from the details shown at the bottom of the report.
  • Per Hour of Day / Day of Week / Hour of Week: Before calculating the averages, Maestro collects summaries across all jobs that have been sent at a time falling into the given hour and/or weekday. The final averages are then calculated across the pre-calculated sums, which means that the values tell you which total value to expect if you would pick an arbitrary time slot from the details shown at the bottom of the report.

Delivery Statistics, Bounce Rates Tab and Tracking Statistics

On the Bounce Rates of the delivery statistics report and at the top of the Tracking Statistics report pane, you see overall average values. These averages are calculated depending on your choice of result aggregation:

  • Per Job: For a report without result aggregation, the averages are collected across all jobs that are included in the report, i.e. they tell you which value you can expect for the given metric if you would pick an arbitrary job from the details shown at the bottom of the report.
  • Per Day / Week / Month / Year: Before calculating the total averages, Maestro collects sub-level averages across all jobs that fall into the given day, week, month or year. The final averages are then calculated across the pre-calculated averages, which means that the values tell you which average rate to expect if you would pick an arbitrary calendar period (day/week/month/year) from the details shown at the bottom of the report.
  • Per List: Before calculating the total averages, Maestro collects sub-level averages across all jobs that have been sent to the given subscriber list. The final averages are then calculated across the pre-calculated averages, which means that the values tell you which average rate to expect if you would pick an arbitrary subscriber list from the details shown at the bottom of the report.
  • Per Hour of Day / Day of Week / Hour of Week: Before calculating the averages, Maestro collects averages across all jobs that have been sent at a time falling into the given hour and/or weekday. The final averages are then calculated across the pre-calculated averages, which means that the values tell you which total value to expect if you would pick an arbitrary time slot from the details shown at the bottom of the report.

About Two-Level Averages: When working with data that is aggregated across two levels (a lower level, which, in the case of Maestro, is your chosen result aggregation (without aggregation, the job itself is the lower level) and a higher level (such as the top level shown on the top of the main report pane), it is important to understand how to calculate the averages. The method implemented by Maestro is agnostic vs. the number of recipients in a given mail job, which is achieved by first calculating an average rate on the aggregation level (or the given job, if no aggregation is active) and then running an average across the sub-level averages. This way, for example the open rate of a mail job with an unusually high number of recipients has the same weight as the open rate for a job with a smaller number of recipients, thus making the two comparable. The same observation applies to the averages built on an aggregation level: A week (for example) with many jobs sent contributes to the overall average with the same weight as a week with a small amount of delivered mail jobs.

Saving the Report

Once you are satisfied with the settings for the report period and other filter settings and have chosen the correct type of aggregation (if any), click the Save Report button. This stores the current settings for future use. If you have done this at least once already, you will notice that the text "Report" is now a clickable link. Clicking this link opens a menu with all previously saved reports. Note that only the report settings are saved, not the report data. This means that by re-opening previously saved settings, Maestro will once again execute the report with these settings and will of course show the result based on current data.

You can download the whole report in PDF, spreadsheet or CSV format via the main menu, the right-click menu of the tree node or one of the three on-page download buttons.

Working with the Details List / Drill-Down

This report is aimed at giving you an at-a-glance overview of the delivery statistics for the jobs in the report. The lowermost section of the screen shows a details list with varying contents depending on your choices for the report. To view details specific to an entry in the list, click the title of the entry in the list. Depending on the settings of the report, this click (if available) has different results:

  • Per Day / Week / Month / Year: Clicking on such an entry shows a report with a calendar aggregation of one level lower, i.e. clicking on a year shows a report on all months of this specific year, clicking on a months shows a weekly report, clicking on a week shows a daily report (this activity is often called "drilling down"). To return to the previous report, click the icon. Clicking on a day in a daily report drills down to the lowermost level, a detailed list of jobs (i.e. without data aggregation).
  • Per Job: Clicking on a job (which is the lowermost level of drilling) opens the Job Statistics Report for the job, allowing you to get a better view of the statistics that Maestro has collected for this job.
  • Per List: Clicking on a Subscriber List or Group shows a detailed list of jobs (those that have been sent to the given list/group) without data aggregation. For the administrator, this option is not available.
  • Per Hour of Day / Day of Week / Hour of Week: No details click available.

You can sort the list by clicking on any of the header fields. This way, you can for example bring the jobs with the highest bounce rate to the top of the list and focus further analysis on these problematic campaigns. Alternatively, a job may stand out visually already when you look at the time distribution shown under "Jobs Overview": First hover with your mouse over the dot in the chart, then click to open a panel with additional information.

Similarly, you can use ordering by certain metrics also when working with aggregated data. This allows you to quickly accomplish tasks like the following:

  • Find the best delivery time: Start with the Tracking Statistics Report. Then set the result aggregation to "Per Hour of Day". Order the results descending by open rate to bring the hour of day to the top that yielded the best open rate.
  • Schedule a large campaign: Start with the Delivery Statistics Report. Then set the result aggregation to "Per Hour of Week". Order the results ascending by the amount of delivered recipients. This will show you the times during a typical week with the least amount of delivery load and you may want to consider scheduling your large campaign for such a time in order to not interfere with other, frequently run medium-sized mail jobs.
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