LISTSERV Maestro 12.0-3 Help Table Of Contents

Reports Overview

  • To access the user-defined reports, select Reports from the menu and select the User-Defined Reports node from the reports tree on the left.
  • To create a new user-defined report, select New Report... from the menu (or go via the right-click menu of the parent folder in the reports tree). Alternatively, create a new report based on an existing mail job and when viewing the report, click the [Save Report] button.
  • To create a new report folder, select the desired parent folder in the reports tree and select New Report Folder from the menu (or go via the right-click menu of the parent folder in the reports tree).

The left pane displays the reports tree, with a folder of the "User-Defined Reports" subtree selected. This subtree contains all user-defined tracking reports.

The pane on the right shows thumbnail previews of all user-defined tracking reports that are located in the currently selected folder.

To navigate to one of the items in the subtree, either select it in the tree on the left, or click on the matching thumbnail report on the right.

In the user-defined reports folders tree, you can freely create new folders, rename folders or rearrange the tree by using drag & drop to move the folders around. If you hold down the CTRL-key when you drop a folder (Command-key on Apple) then instead of moving the folder, you copy the folder to the new parent folder. Alternatively, you can also use the cut, copy and paste commands from the menu.

When you copy a folder, you will also create copies of all reports in this folder and of all sub-folders (and the reports in them).

Important: If you delete a folder, then this will delete the selected report folder and all its sub-folders and also all reports in any of these folders! This operation cannot be undone!

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