LISTSERV Maestro 12.0-6 Help Table Of Contents

Report for Job - Define Report Entries

  • To create a user-defined report for a given job, select the desired job in the job list, then select New Report On Selected Job... from the menu (or go via the right-click menu of the job entry in the job list).
  • To create a combined report for several jobs, select the desired jobs in the job list, then select New Combined Report On All Selected Jobs... from the menu (or go via the right-click menu of the job entries in the job list).

This screen allows you to quickly define a tracking report for the selected mail jobs. You can then view this report and also save it for later use.

First select which Events To Include: You can either include only the events of the original recipients, or also the events that were generated by people who viewed the message after it has been shared via social media.

From the Basic Entries and Advanced Entries, select the report entries that you want to include in the report. The choices you make here define how many colored columns (and lines) will be included in the report, and their types.

The summary below the selection boxes will be updated automatically to show exactly which columns/lines will be included in the report based on the current selection. Each entry in this summary list represents one report entry that will be added to the report, with the displayed color and name. Each report entry will report exactly those events that are specified by its name. For each report entry that is included, you will later see a matching colored column and a matching colored line in the final report.

Once you are satisfied with the list of columns/lines (i.e. report entries), click the [Show Report] button to view the actual report.

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