How To Use Addresses That Are Not Stored in LISTSERV Maestro (as recipients of a message)
In addition to using the addresses that are stored in Maestro itself, Maestro also allows you to use addresses as message recipients that are not stored in Maestro.
The options you have for this are very flexible and are available during the Recipients Definition of a Mail Job. These options for external recipients include:
Uploaded Recipients: You can upload recipients that are stored in a spreadsheet file or text file (CSV/comma separated format).
Select Recipients from a Database or LDAP directory: You can select the recipients from a SQL database (for the supported database types) using a SQL query, or you can select the recipients from an LDAP directory.
Send to a LISTSERV List: You can send to an existing classic LISTSERV list that is not managed by Maestro.
Let LISTSERV Select Recipients from a Database or LDAP Directory: For special cases, you can even let LISTSERV select the recipients from a database or ODBC data source or LDAP directory.
Supply Recipients On Demand via External API Calls: If you have an external system such as for example an online shop, you can let your system trigger Maestro automatically to add recipients to a prepared mail job.