LISTSERV Maestro 12.0-3 Help Table Of Contents

Target Group Definition - Send to a LISTSERV List

To create a new target group, select New Recipient Target Group... from the menu (or go via the right-click menu of the Target Groups node or a target group folder in the subscriber warehouse).
Note: If the new target group has not the desired type "Send to a LISTSERV List", you can change the target group type on the source page.

This Target Group Definition wizard lets you define a target group of the "Send to a LISTSERV List" type that can then be used in the recipients wizard to define the recipients of a job.

The wizard for a target group of the "Send to a LISTSERV List" type has multiple pages:
General, Source, Source Details, Parameters, Input Layout, Input Preview, Recipients Details, and Summary.

The top row of the wizard displays links to each of these pages. The page that is currently open is marked with a highlighted background color. Depending on the choices made on some of the wizard pages, other pages may become disabled or may be shown in different versions. If a wizard page is disabled, then it means that this page is not necessary with the current choices and can safely be ignored.

Input Layout: Define Visual Presentation of Target Group Parameters

This screen appears differently depending on if Standard Submit or Special Submit is selected on the Source screen.

Standard Submit Input Layout

For a standard submit to a LISTSERV list, the Input Layout screen is only available if a list is selected with topics, and if, on the Source Details screen, the parameter to expose topics to the end user is chosen. In this case, the screen let you (optionally) define a heading text (and additional text) for the topics parameter.

Both values are optional. If desired, supply a heading text in the corresponding edit field. The heading will be displayed above the topics parameter in an emphasized style. If a heading is supplied, additional optional text may also be included. The introductory text will be displayed between the heading and the topics parameter in a smaller text style. Use heading and introductory text to explain to the end user what the topics selection parameter is all about.

Special Submit Input Layout

For a special submit to a LISTSERV list, the Input Layout page is only available if a condition that contains parameters has been defined on the Source Details screen. In this case, the screen defines how the parameters from the parameterized condition are to be displayed to the end user who uses this target group in the recipients wizard.

The input controls for the parameters are presented to the end user one below the other, in the order defined here. The selection box shows all parameters. Each parameter is listed with its name and label. Select a parameter and click Up or Down to change its position in the list.

In addition to the parameters themselves, special "headings" may also be defined, which are similar to title rows or section headings. Use headings to add additional explanatory text to the layout and to group parameters together in a way that underlines their semantics. Click on New Heading to create a new heading. Each heading consists of the heading text, rendered in an emphasized manner, and an optional text, rendered in a smaller font. Fill out at least the heading text, then click [Save Entry]. This creates a new entry in the selection box to the left, which now stands for the heading just defined.

To edit an existing heading, select it in the selection box, then edit its texts in the edit fields to the right. Click [Save Entry] again. If [Save Entry] is not clicked after editing or creating a heading, the changes are lost as soon as any other link or button is clicked.

To delete an existing heading, select it in the selection box and click Delete Heading.

Headings can be inserted between the existing parameters at any location. A new heading is always created just before the selection box entry that is currently selected. If no entry is selected, it is created as the first entry. To add a heading just before a given parameter, first select that parameter and then click on New Heading. The headings and parameters can be re-ordered at any time with the Up and Down links.

If the Restrict value(s) to floating point numbers type for at least one parameter has been selected, then decimal separator characters used by the database must be specified. Select either the dot (period) "." or the comma ",".

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