LISTSERV Maestro 12.0-6 Help Table Of Contents

User-Defined Tracking Report

  • To access a user-defined tracking report, select the node of the desired report in the reports tree.
  • To create a new user-defined report, select New Report... from the menu (or go via the right-click menu of the parent folder in the reports tree). Alternatively, create a new report based on an existing mail job and when viewing the report, click the [Save Report] button.

The left pane displays the reports tree, with a user defined tracking report selected.

The pane on the right shows the details of the currently selected tracking report.

Tracking Events Statistics Tab

This tab shows the report as a chart at the top and a details table at the bottom.

Legend Table: Report Entry Summary

The legend table lists all report entries that are part of the report. Each report entry has an associated color and name. The color corresponds to the report entry's bar and line representation in the two report charts.

You can change the ordering of the report entries in the table by clicking on the "Active Recipients" or "Total Events" table header (whichever is applicable). There are three sort options that you can cycle through: Highest values first, lowest values first or default order. If you use this to change the order of the report entries in the legend table, you also change the order of the bars and lines in the two charts.
The default sort order is defined by the order of the report entry nodes in the reports tree on the left. You can make these report entry sub nodes visible by clicking the little icon at the left of the report node and you can change the order of the report entry sub nodes via the Move Up and Move Down commands in the main menu or the associated right-click menu.

The two charts show only those report entries that have the checkbox checked in the "Visible" column. You can use this to temporarily hide the report entry from the report charts.

Bar Chart: Total Values

The bar chart on the left shows the total values of all report entries. Each report entry is represented as one colored bar. The report entry values are shown in one of the following three modes:

  • Active Recipients, as Percentage: Each bar displays the percentage of all unbounced recipients that have triggered at least one event for this report entry.
  • Active Recipients, as Count: Each bar displays the number of recipients that have triggered at least one event for this report entry.
  • Total Event Count: Each bar displays the total number of all triggered events for this report entry, including multiple events from the same recipients.

Which of these three modes is displayed depends on your preferences setting. You can change it by selecting Preferences -> Reports from the account menu.

Note that this preferences setting is ignored if at least one of the report entries in the report contains a job that uses blind or anonymous tracking or at least one of the report entries is defined to include both events of the original recipients and events via social media. If at least one of this is the case for at least one of the report entries in the report, then the report ignores the preferences setting and is always displayed in "Total Event Count" mode.

Line Chart: Tracking Event Distribution Over Time

The chart on the right is a line chart that plots the accumulation of events over time. Each report entry is represented as one colored line. The height of the line (in relation to the Y-axis) at a given moment in time (as represented by the X-axis) shows the number of events that have been collected by this report entry up until that moment. Note that this also includes multiple events from the same recipients.

Recipient Details Tab

This tab shows a report over the recipients that have triggered the events that are counted by this report, and how often they triggered the events, optionally grouped by demographic criteria.

Note: This report only shows data for entries that contain only jobs with personal or anonymous tracking and are defined to only include events from the original email recipients (but not events via social media).

The report displays the data as a combined profile table and bar chart.

The profile table shows the profiles of all recipients that generated the events that are counted by entries in the report. Each recipient profile consists of the various merge fields that were defined for the recipients when the mail job was created. The names of the profile fields (merge fields) appear at the top of the table, as table columns headers. The body of the table then consists of one row per recipient profile, where each row displays the matching profile field values in the corresponding column.

The bar chart is merged into the recipient profiles table: Each recipient profile row has an associated bar right below it, where the length of the bar shows the number of events that were generated by recipients with the given profile. The number of events for that profile is also displayed at the left of the bar.

You can now modify this profile table / bar chart to get a deeper understanding of which recipients generated the events:

Changing the Sort Order

In each of the report sections, the table/chart displays only the first 100 rows of the report. If the section has more rows, then any rows after the first 100 (in regards to the current sort order) are not displayed. So changing the sort order may not only impact the order in which the rows in each section are displayed, but may also have an effect on which entries are displayed at all.

To change the current sort order, click on the column headers at the top of the report.

Changing the Report Fields

The order in which the profile columns appear in the table can also be changed, i.e. you can move columns to the left or right (in respect to other columns). To do so, click on the Change Report Fields link that is displayed at the bottom right corner of the report.

This opens a two-columned dialog that shows the available report fields in the right column and the selected report fields in the left column. Follow the on-screen instructions to add/remove the selected report fields or to change the display sequence of the selected columns. Click the [Ok] button when you are satisfied with your changes.

Removing one or several report columns has the effect of grouping the profiles. Initially, the report displays the full profile for each recipient. Since the full profile also contains the email address, and the email address is always unique for each recipient, this means that each row in the report corresponds with exactly one recipient. Therefore, the events that are reported by this row are be the events that were generated by exactly this recipient.

In addition to the email address, a profile may also contain further fields. Some of these fields may also be of a unique nature (for example a field for the security number, or a field with some sort of internal unique ID), while other fields may be of a non-unique nature (for example the year of birth, or the city of residence, etc.).

If you now hide all columns that contain unique values, so that the remaining profile columns are all columns with potentially non-unique values, then this means that you actually may have duplicate profiles. For example, if the only remaining columns are "year of birth" and "city of residence", then you may well have duplicates in your recipients set, as there may very well be several people from each city which are also born in the same year.

In such a case, the report groups all of these duplicate profiles together into one single row, where the event count (as represented by the length of the bar and shown as a number on the left) is the total count for all recipients that share this "grouped" profile.

This kind of grouping is very useful to answer such questions as: How many events were generated, broken down by state (or city)? To answer this, you would hide all columns except the state (or city) column.
Or: How many events were generated, broken down by hobby and gender? To answer this, you would hide all columns except the hobby and gender columns (and also order those depending on if you want this broken down first by hobby or by gender).

Report Download

You can download the whole report in PDF, spreadsheet or CSV format by using the button on the top-right corner of the screen. Alternatively, use the menu (the menu also allows you to download the raw underlying event data in CSV format).

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