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Function "IndexOf"
IndexOf(text, searchfortext [, startindex])
Function: Searches for an occurrence of the text "searchfortext" in the given "text". Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of "searchtext" or "-1" if none was found. Optionally, a zero-based "startindex" can be specified with the effect that the search in "text" will not start at the beginning of "text" but at the character position specified by "startindex".
Return-Type: Number
text - Type Text: The text string to search in.
searchfortext - Type Text: The string to search for.
The third argument is optional:
startindex - Type Number: The character position at which the search will be started. If
not given, the search will always start at the first character (index "0").
IndexOf("a longer text", "lo")
IndexOf("abc def abc def", "abc", 4)