Calculation Formulas
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Formula Functions
The following pages describe the functions that are available for use in LISTSERV Maestro formulas.
Number Functions | |
Abs | Converts a number into its absolute (non-negative) value. |
IsNum | Checks if the given argument can be converted into a number. |
Max | Finds the largest of several numbers. |
Min | Finds the smallest of several numbers. |
Pow | Raises a number to a specified power. |
Random | Generates a random number. |
ToNum | Converts any non-number data type into a number. |
Text Functions | |
Contains | Checks if one text contains another. |
EndsWith | Checks if a text ends with a certain text suffix. |
HTMLEncode | Encodes all HTML-unsafe characters in a text. |
IndexOf | Finds the first (or next) occurrence of one text in another. |
LastIndexOf | Finds the last (or previous) occurrence of one text in another. |
Length | Determines the length of a text. |
Matches | Determines if a text matches a certain "regular expression". |
ReplaceText | Replaces all occurrences of a certain sub-string in a text with a new string. |
StartsWith | Checks if a text starts with a certain text prefix. |
Substring | Extracts a specified substring from a text. |
ToLower | Converts a text into all lowercase. |
ToUpper | Converts a text into all UPPERCASE. |
ToString | Converts the argument into a text or set of texts. |
Trim | Trims leading and trailing whitespace from a text. |
URLEncode | Encodes all URL-unsafe characters in the text. |
Boolean Functions | |
If | Evaluates a condition and determines one of two possible values as a result. |
ToBool | Converts any non-boolean data type into a boolean. |
Set Functions | |
Count | Counts all elements in a set. |
In | Determines if a set contains a certain element. |
SetOf | Builds a set out of a list of elements. |
SetToString | Converts a set into a string by listing all elements in the set. |
SetToStringWithMaxLen | Converts a set into a string (with a maximum length) by listing all elements in the set. |
Date / Time Functions | |
Age | Determines the age (in years), based on a birthday date and a current date. |
CalendarAdd | Performs calendar arithmetic on a milliseconds timestamp. |
CurrentMillis | Determines the current date/time, in milliseconds. |
IsDate | Checks if a textual date/time representation is valid. |
LastMidnightMillis | Determines the date/time of the most recent midnight, in milliseconds. |
NextAnniversary | Determines the next anniversary of a given historic date/time after a given reference date/time, in milliseconds. |
SubscribeTimeMillis | Determines the subscription date/time of a subscriber, in milliseconds. |
ThisMonthStartMillis | Determines the start of the current month, in milliseconds. |
ThisWeekStartMillis | Determines the start of the current week, in milliseconds. |
ToDateText | Converts a milliseconds time value into a textual date/time representation. |
ToMillis | Converts a textual date/time representation into a milliseconds time value. |
ToDate | This function has been deprecated. Use ToDateText instead. |
Other Functions | |
HasContent | Checks if a certain user defined drop-in has content or is empty. |
IsSupplied | Checks if a certain merge field has a value or not. |
SecondaryValue | Retrieves the secondary values for a single/multiple select profile field. |