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Calculation Formulas

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Function "IsSupplied"


Function: Checks if the merge field with the given name has a value or not. Returns "true" if the field has a value, "false" if not.

Return-Type: Boolean

&MERGE_FIELD; - (type irrelevant): This argument must be the name of a merge field (complete with the starting "&" and the closing ";"). It can not be a constant value (a number, text, boolean, or set).

If this function is used in a "*Calc" system drop-in of a job with recipients of type "Upload a Recipient Text File" or "Select Recipients from a database or LDAP directory" (or target group recipients that base on one of these types), then you can use any of the merge fields that exist in this job as an argument for the "IsSupplied" function. The function will then return "true", if the given merge field was empty either in the uploaded comma separated text file or in the corresponding database cell.

If however this function is used in a "*Calc" system drop-in of a job with target group recipients that are based on a subscriber list or group, or if the function is used in the condition tree of such a target group, then you can not specify merge fields that are defined as "mandatory" or with the type "boolean" because such fields do by definition always have a supplied value. So using them with this function does not make sense, as the function would always return "true" for these fields.


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