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Calculation Formulas

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Function "ThisWeekStartMillis"

ThisWeekStartMillis(firstDayOfWeek, timezone)

Function: Determines the timestamp of the start of the current week, i.e. 00:00h (in the given timezone) of the first day of the current week, represented in milliseconds since "Jan. 1st 1970, 00:00:00 GMT".

Return-Type: Number

firstDayOfWeek - Type Text: The name of the first day of the week. Must be either "Sunday" or "Monday" (lower/uppercase irrelevant).
timezone - Type Text: The ID or value of the timezone that shall be used to determine the 00:00h time of the first day of the current week. See here for possible timezone values.

ThisWeekStartMillis("Monday", "CET")
(determines the timestamp that represents 00:00h of the first day of the current week, where the week is supposed to start on a monday, relative to Central European Time)

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