Mail Job Definition - Workflow
On this screen, the different steps required to prepare a mail job for delivery are arranged in their natural order. The order is defined by the dependency between the different steps.
Each step may appear in three versions:
A white box and the text "Complete" is used for steps that have been executed and completed successfully.
A blue box and the text "Pending" is used for the next step that is to be executed and that is still pending.
A grey box is used for further pending steps that are to be execute after the currently pending next step.
Click on the blue box of the next pending step to execute it. Or click on the white box of an already completed step to execute it again, for example to make changes to it.
The Mail Job Workflow Steps
Define Recipients
Define the recipients of the message.Define Email Content
Define and edit the content of the message.Define Tracking
Define the tracking behavior of the mail job.
(This step is not available if the administrator has configured a preset for it.)Define Sender
Define the information about the sender of the message.Schedule Delivery
Schedule the delivery of the mail job to take place immediately after authorization, when triggered manually, or at a future date and time relative to a selected time zone. Optionally, define automatically recurring delivery with a certain interval.Send Test Emails
Execute a test delivery of the message.Authorize Delivery
Authorize the delivery of the mail job. Once you have authorized the delivery, the message will be delivered according to the schedule that was defined in the "Schedule Delivery" step. If the message is scheduled for a future delivery, then the authorization can be revoked again until the moment of delivery.
Note: For a variant job in an A/B split job, the workflow page contains only the Define Email Content, Define Tracking, Define Sender and Send Test Emails steps, that need to be performed individually for each variant. The other steps are instead performed on the parent A/B split job itself.