LISTSERV Maestro 12.0-6 Help Table Of Contents

Target Group Definition - Upload Recipients

To create a new target group, select New Recipient Target Group... from the menu (or go via the right-click menu of the Target Groups node or a target group folder in the subscriber warehouse).
Note: If the new target group has not the desired type "Upload Recipients", you can change the target group type on the source page.

This Target Group Definition wizard lets you define a target group of the "Upload Recipients" type that can then be used in the Define Recipients wizard.

The wizard for a target group of the "Upload Recipients" type has multiple pages:
General, Source, Source Details, Recipients Details, Duplicate Elimination, and Summary.

The top row of the wizard displays links to each of these pages. The page that is currently open is marked with a highlighted background color. Depending on the choices made on some of the wizard pages, other pages may become disabled or may be shown in different versions. If a wizard page is disabled, then it means that this page is not necessary with the current choices and can safely be ignored.

Duplicate Elimination Page: Configure If And How To Remove Duplicates

Choose between the following options:

  • Do not remove duplicates: All recipients are used for delivery, even if some of them are duplicates.
  • Remove duplicates with the same email addresses: If the list of recipients contains entries with the same email address, then only the first of these entries is used for delivery, the others are ignored.
  • Use my list of columns to determine duplicates: If the list of recipients contains entries with the same values in all of the columns selected in the column list below this option, then these entries are considered duplicates of each other and only the first of them is used for delivery; the others are ignored. Select the columns that shall be considered for this comparison from the list. Use SHIFT and CTRL to select multiple entries.

    The recipients sample is supplied to make it easier for you to understand the contents of each column. This assists with deciding which columns should be considered for the comparison and which should not.

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